What no one tells you about leadership: It’s uncomfortable.

I remember the moment I was told I’d be leading someone for the first time. It wasn’t some grand announcement or a planned promotion—it was more like, “Hey, you’re in charge of the interns now.” And just like that, I was thrown into the deep end. There was no preparation, no guidance, just me, my self-doubt, and a whole lot of uncertainty.

If you’re feeling the same—like you’re not ready, like you’re not enough—this is for you. Because I’ve been there, standing exactly where you are now, wondering if I’d ever measure up.

The fear that grips you

When I first got that responsibility, I felt like a fraud. Who was I to lead anyone? I’m introverted, I don’t have that loud, commanding presence that we’re so often told leaders need. And here’s the kicker: I didn’t have a single female role model who led like me—quietly, thoughtfully, and without the need to be in the spotlight.

It felt like the world was watching, waiting for me to fail, and the worst part? I believed they were right.

Finding my place in a loud world

Here’s the thing about self-doubt: it lies to you. It tells you that because you don’t fit the mold, you’re not cut out for leadership. But that’s bullshit. The truth is, leadership isn’t about being the loudest or most visible; it’s about being the most authentic.

I realized that I didn’t have to pretend to be someone I wasn’t. Instead, I leaned into my strengths—listening, observing, asking questions. I thought back to when I was an intern myself, trying to navigate a big company like Mercedes Benz, and I asked myself: What did I need back then? The answer wasn’t someone to bark orders at me; it was someone who genuinely cared about my growth.

So that’s who I decided to be for my intern. I was honest with her about my journey, about the doubts I had, and in that honesty, I found my strength.

Embracing vulnerability as a leader

Here’s what no one tells you about leadership: it’s messy. It’s uncomfortable. And it’s deeply personal. The turning point for me wasn’t when I finally “figured it all out” (spoiler: I’m still figuring it out), but when I allowed myself to be vulnerable.

I told my intern that I didn’t have all the answers, and that I was learning too. And you know what? That honesty didn’t make me a weaker leader—it made me a better one. We built trust, and together, we navigated the challenges of our roles.

By the time she left, she wasn’t just more confident in her abilities—I was too. Not because I had transformed into some ideal leader, but because I had shown up as my real self.

Your turn: Facing the mirror

So here’s what I want you to do—no bullshit exercises, just a moment of raw reflection. Grab a piece of paper, and write down the one thing you’re most afraid of in your leadership role right now. Be brutally honest.

Now ask yourself: What if that fear isn’t a weakness, but a doorway? What if, by facing it head-on, you could become the leader you’ve always needed—not by pretending to be something you’re not, but by embracing exactly who you are?

Why this matters

Leadership is not a one-size-fits-all journey. It’s a deeply personal, often painful process of growth. But it’s also where you find out what you’re really made of. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, if you’re questioning your worth—good. That means you’re on the right track. Because the leaders who make the biggest impact aren’t the ones who never doubt themselves; they’re the ones who doubt, who struggle, and who rise anyway.

So let me leave you with this: You don’t need to be perfect to lead. You just need to be real. And that’s more than enough.

If any part of this resonates with you, if you’ve been nodding along thinking, “Yes, this is exactly what I’m going through,” then I want to hear from you. Let’s talk about how you can embrace your unique leadership style and turn that self-doubt into your greatest asset.

You don’t have to navigate this journey alone. If you’re ready to dig deep, reflect, and grow into the leader you’re meant to be, I invite you to join me for a 1:1 mentoring session. Let’s work together to transform your fears into fuel for your success.

Or, if you’re craving an immersive experience to truly recharge and redefine your leadership path, join me and other incredible women at our exclusive Women’s Leadership Retreat in April 2025. It’s time to connect with like-minded leaders, embrace your strengths, and step into your power in the most authentic way possible.

Don’t wait. Your leadership journey starts now—let’s take the next step together.

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